Ag Litriú le Lampróg!
Is áis nuálach spraíúil é Ag Litriú le Lampróg! le dianchleachtadh a fháil ar fhocail a dhéanamh! Tá 4 leabhar éagsúla i gceist, le 4 leibhéal. Tá buntáiste faoi leith ag baint le Ag Litriú le Lampróg! don litreoir óg le linn aimsir seo Covid!
In ionad páistí a bheith ag láimhseáil cártaí aonair ar na boird sa seomra ranga, beidh áis fhisiciúil an duine acu agus focail á gcur le chéile agus á gcrochadh acu le taispeáint don mhúinteoir ón áit ina mbeidh siad féin ina suí! Tá treoir agus liosta focal le fáil ar chúl na n-áiseanna éagsúla don tuismitheoir lena n-úsáid sa mbaile freisin agus oibreoidh siad thar cionn ar an scáileán don teagasc ar líne!
Chomh maith leis sin, tá pictiúir bheaga ar féidir a bhaint as cúl na leabhar agus a tharraingt as hata le teacht ar na focail a bheidh le litriú.
Ar ndóigh, is áis tacaíochta an tsraith seo don chlár litearthachta Mar a Déarfá! (Breacadh). Molaimid Ag Litriú le Lampróg! a úsáid idir Chéimeanna 1 & 2 den chlár, le dianchleachtadh a fháil ar chur le chéile focail ag na 4 leibhéal seo:
- Focail CGC (Consan-Guta-Consan) agus béim ar na Gutaí Leathana (poc / bád / bus srl.)
- Focail CG & CGC agus béim ar na Gutaí Caola (fís / cic / leis srl.)
- Focail CCGC – gutaí leathana agus caola (clós / glas / blús srl.)
- Na fuaimeanna bh, ch, dh, fh, ng, ai, ua & ia (ó Chéim 1 de Mar a Déarfá!)
Meet Lampróg! This fun little guy will provide hours of intensive, kinesthetic practice in segmenting and spelling words in Irish – at 4 different levels!
… And this graded resource is particularly Covid-friendly! Rather than handling individual sound cards scattered on the school desk, each child will work with his or her own book, making words and displaying them to the teacher from the child’s own desk!
Furthermore, parents will find a list of words and instructions at the back of each resource book, so that Ag Litriú le Lampróg may be used effectively at home – or indeed during online classes!
Small picture cards can also be cut out and pulled from a hat to discover the next word to be tackled!
Ag Litriú le Lampróg! is a fun new support resource to Mar a Déarfá!, the first fine-graded, sequenced, whole-school literacy programme in Irish. It is designed to be used between Steps 1 & 2 of the programme, for intensive practice in the following:
- CVC Words with emphasis on the Broad Vowels (poc / bád / bus etc.)
- CVC Words with emphasis on the Slender Vowels (fís / cic / leis etc.)
- CCGC Words – broad and slender (clós / glas / blús etc.)
- Sounds bh, ch, dh, fh, ng, ai, ua & ia (from Step 1 of the Mar a Déarfá! programme).